Yoga asana (the predominantly physical expression of yoga) is what supported me through life as a financial executive in the fast-paced, high-stress boardrooms of Hong Kong, is what made me physically and mentally stronger after having our first child in South Korea, and yet taught me to be softer, calmer and more accepting as our second child came into our lives.
But it wasn’t always that way; when I began my yoga journey I would be lacking in energy after practice, quite regularly injured myself and often felt anxious and jittery after class. A strong yoga asana practice can exhaust and deplete you, sometimes leaving you feeling in more pain than when you started, and can even create stress in the body and mind. So what is the difference between yoga asana lifting you up or stressing you out? The first answer to this question is YOU! The second answer is a teacher who is skilled, experienced and patient enough to show you the path towards healing and away from harm. Let me explain.
Yoga truly is for everyone, even for complete beginners, and is not simply about touching your toes! No matter your age, gender, body type or physical condition, yoga can be a tool that is melded to fit you. But, if you approach it with your ego at the helm, ready to push yourself into any position that is asked of you, willing to ignore your pain in order to make the pose ‘look right’, able to ignore your own needs in favour of what you think yoga ‘should be’, then for sure you are heading for the second outcome.
Added to that, the teacher that you need will show you how to listen to yourself in order that you are able to truly heed what your needs actually are. If you don’t feel supported in that way, it is worth asking yourself whether you have yet found the right teacher for you.
So, the outcome of yoga asana can be dependent upon how you practice, upon your intention and about where you place your attention. Of course you need a skilled teacher to guide you along the way, but ultimately YOU are the most skilled teacher at your disposal since YOU are the one who is best placed to know what you truly need.
Are you ready to really listen?